Support our Program

PETS relies heavily on donations from individuals, civic groups, business corporations and in-kind donations of supplies and horse equipment. Many of our horses are donated. Help support our horses through the coming winter with donations for blankets for warmth and more.

Donate Button with Credit Cards

Our wish lists for donors to consider are:

  1. Liability Insurance ($2,900)
  2.  Annual Winter Board for 6 horse $17,000   ($2,834 per horse)
  3. Blacksmith fees $3,400
  4. Electric Golf car for transporting equipment
  5. Exhaust Fans for the PETS Building
  6. Hay Storage Shelter

***Ways You Can Support PETS***


Visit and choose Progressive Equestrian Therapeutic Services, Inc


Major online retailers will donate a portion of their profits to non-profits like PETS when you shop on their website: Goodshop will automatically donate a % to PETS

GOODSEARCH as Your SEARCH ENGINE will earn PETS a penny a click:

http://www.goodsearch.corn Register Progressive Equestrian Therapeutic
Services, Inc. GOODSEARCH is comparable to Yahoo, Google, etc.

SCRIP SHOPPING CARDS  can earn PETS from 4% to 16% of card value. Look for our periodic order forms and purchase your every day grocery, pharmacy, dining, & home needs with cards PETS orders from the Great Lakes Scrip Company.